TMJ Treatment Leesburg

Find Relief from Chronic TMJ Pain

Your temporomandibular joint (TMJ) is the joint that connects your mandible to the rest of your skull. It is a unique part of your anatomy because it must be able to move up and down, side to side, and back and forth. It is connected to numerous facial muscles, all of which work together to help your TMJ operate. When something goes wrong that affects the TMJ’s function, this is a condition known as TMJ dysfunction or TMJ disorder (TMD). It is estimated that more than 10 million adults in the U.S. suffer from TMD.

Common symptoms of TMD include things like chronic jaw pain, difficulty chewing, a locking sensation in the jaw, frequent headaches, neckaches, earaches, and backaches. If you believe that you are suffering from TMD, we invite you to schedule a consultation with Dr. Pham. After a careful evaluation, she may recommend one of the following treatments to get your TMJ’s health back on track.


Why Choose Downtown Family Dental of Leesburg for TMJ/TMD Treatment

  • Experienced Dentist
  • Multiple Therapy Options Available
  • Personalized Treatment


How We Diagnose TMJ Problems

Not all patients experience discomfort when it comes to TMJ problems, but no matter the level of severity, these issues need to be resolved. The first step towards diagnosing your TMJ problems is coming in for a consultation. Dr. Pham will closely examine your teeth, jaw alignment, and other oral structures while asking about your symptoms. She’ll be able to recommend an appropriate treatment option, such as an occlusal splint.

Occlusal Splints

An occlusal splint is a small oral appliance that is worn at night. The goal of an occlusal splint is to slightly reposition your jaw to help the TMJ and the surrounding muscles relax. It can also prevent the teeth grinding and clenching (bruxism) that often occurs at night and may be related to TMD. Dr. Pham carefully designs each occlusal splint to fit a patient’s unique needs. These devices are small, comfortable, portable, and easy to use.

TMJ Therapy FAQs

Can TMD Be Cured Permanently?

Discomfort associated with TMJ dysfunction can sometimes subside on its own over time. However, if your symptoms are impacting your everyday life, you may want to consider seeing a professional. Some TMJ treatment methods, like TENS therapy, can provide temporary relief. Occlusal splints are designed to address the jaw tension, misalignment, or other underlying causes of TMD, therefore providing relief.

How Long Does It Take for a TMJ Splint to Work?

Occlusal splints for TMD are usually worn to bed every night. You may notice that your symptoms begin to diminish quickly, but they won’t disappear all at once. It will take time for your TMJs and the surrounding areas to adjust. After six weeks, most patients experience marked improvement. It usually takes between three and six months for a splint to resolve TMD discomfort.

Can TMJ Be Treated Without Surgery?

Yes! The National Institutes of Health recommends using the most conservative methods possible for treating TMJ dysfunction. Surgery involves making permanent changes to the jaw and nearby anatomy, and it is typically only suggested as a last resort. More often than not TMD can be treated with less invasive methods.

Is TMJ Treatment Expensive?

Since numerous forms of TMJ treatment exist, the cost can vary widely. It can cost anywhere from a few hundred dollars to thousands of dollars; generally speaking, the more extensive your treatment is, the more it’s going to cost. Insurance sometimes covers TMJ treatment, but it depends on your plan. Remember, even if your treatment seems pricy, the pain relief it will bring is truly priceless – so don’t hesitate to contact us if it’s time to get the ball rolling with treatment!