Sedation Dentistry – Leesburg, VA

Ensuring A Smooth Experience in the Dental Chair

It’s not unheard of to be afraid of visiting the dentist, and many patients these days suffer from some form of dental-related anxiety. Luckily, sedation dentistry has emerged as the go-to option for patients who fall into this category – and its benefits don’t stop there! To learn more about sedation dentistry about how Dr. Pham and her team can use it to ensure a smooth experience for you, feel free to contact us to learn more!

Why Choose Downtown Family Dental of Leesburg for Sedation Dentistry?

  • Numerous Sedation Options Available
  • Safe and Effective for Patients of All Ages
  • Comfortable Dental Office with Modern Technology


Oral Conscious Sedation

Oral conscious sedation is generally recommended for patients with moderate dental phobia as well as those who aren’t able to receive nitrous oxide sedation. It involves the patient taking a small sedative pill before their appointment, so by the time they’re seated, the effects have started to kick in. Patients remain totally conscious and responsive to verbal commands, but it’s known to cause some level of drowsiness, and ride accommodations will be needed.

Nitrous Oxide Sedation

Often referred to as laughing gas, nitrous oxide is perhaps the most common and accessible form of sedation dentistry. The gas itself is colorless and odorless, and it’s administered through a soft nasal mask with a mixture of oxygen. It instills pleasant feelings of warmth and euphoria.  It’s perfect for patients with mild to moderate dental anxiety since it’s so easy to administer and has no lingering or ill side effects.