Gummy Smile Correction Leesburg

Reveal Your Smile’s True Potential

If more than a few millimeters of gum tissue are visible when you smile, you have what is often referred to as a “gummy smile.” While many people do not mind the way a gummy smile looks, others feel that they want their teeth to look larger and more proportionate. If you are in the latter group, we invite you to visit us to discuss gummy smile correction in Leesburg. This cosmetic procedure may be just what you need to enjoy enhanced facial aesthetics and increased confidence.


Why Choose Downtown Family Dental of Leesburg for Gummy Smile Correction?

  • Highly Skilled Dentist and Team
  • Long-Lasting Results
  • Become a Candidate for Other Cosmetic Procedures

What Is Gum Recontouring / Crown Lengthening?

Gummy smile correction may also be referred to as gingivoplasty, gum recontouring, or gum contouring. During the procedure, we carefully and precisely remove extra gum tissue to reveal more of the underlying dental structure. This makes the teeth appear longer and produces an even, natural-looking gumline. You should be quite comfortable during your appointment. Afterward, some tenderness in the gums is normal. We will guide you to help you enjoy a smooth and efficient recovery.

Some people refer to gum recontouring as crown lengthening. The two procedures are quite similar, but there is one notable difference. Whereas gum recontouring usually affects only the gums, crown lengthening may also involve slight modifications to the bone around a tooth.

Benefits of Gum Contouring and Crown Lengthening

Gum contouring/crown lengthening in Leesburg comes with some remarkable benefits:

  • The results are natural-looking. It is unlikely that anyone will be able to tell that you have had a bit of work done on your smile.
  • The results are long-lasting. For most patients, their extra gum tissue will never grow back after their procedure.
  • There are potential oral health benefits. Although gum contouring is usually cosmetic, it can also reduce the risk of gum irritation and make it possible to perform restorative treatments, such as crown placement. It may also be used to remove diseased gum tissue.
  • You may become a candidate for other cosmetic procedures. Extra gum tissue can adversely affect your candidacy for veneers and Lumineers. Following gum recontouring, you may become eligible for such services.

How Much Does It Cost to Fix My Gummy Smile?

The cost of gum recontouring depends on a few different factors, the biggest of which is the extent of your procedure. Logically, trimming the gums near just one or two teeth costs less than performing the treatment on your entire smile. Insurance usually does not cover gum recontouring unless it is deemed necessary for oral health.

Ask our friendly team about your payment options. We can assist you with your insurance and provide you with clear information that will help you make a confident decision about whether gum recontouring is a fit for your budget.

Would you like to learn more about gummy smile correction? Contact Downtown Family Dental of Leesburg today to ask questions or schedule a consultation.