Scaling & Root Planing Leesburg

Removing Harmful Plaque to Improve Gum Health

No one wants to learn they have gum disease. Unfortunately, for millions of adults living in the United States, it is an all-too-common realization that is often void of treatment. What can easily start as gingivitis can quickly escalate to periodontitis, which means the infection and inflammation attack the bone, teeth, and can even spread throughout the body. At Downtown Family Dental of Leesburg, our team wants to help you avoid this possibility; however, should it progress before proper steps are taken, there is a way to minimize complications and improve gum health – scaling and root planing in Leesburg. Using this technique, our team can prevent further reinfection and get your smile back on track. To learn more about this unique method of care, review the following information and contact our office to schedule an appointment.

Why Choose Downtown Family Dental of Leesburg for Scaling & Root Planing?

  • Compassionate & Experienced Dental Team
  • Insurance Welcome & In-House Wellness Plan Available
  • Calming Sedation Options For Nervous Patients

How Does Scaling & Root Planing Work?

The process of undergoing scaling and root planing is two-fold. First, Dr. Pham and her team will need to examine your teeth and gums to determine if there are gum pocket formations and plaque and tartar spreading beneath the surface. Once this is established, you will be provided with mild sedation, if necessary, to ensure you are comfortable throughout the procedure.  

Dr. Pham will then begin to use specialized dental instruments to perform the scaling part of the process. This requires scraping away any plaque and tartar accumulations around your teeth and gum line before moving deep within the gum pocket. Once she is finished with this step, she will move on to the root planing portion. Because gum disease causes the tissue to pull away from your tooth root, she will need to smooth out this area to encourage the tissue to reattach and prevent further gum recession.

To prevent further reinfection, it will likely be necessary for Dr. Pham to recommend more frequent dental checkups and cleanings (about every 3 months) to ensure your gum tissue is healthy.

Who Needs Scaling & Root Planing?

If you suffer from any of the following problems, you are a likely candidate for scaling and root planing:

  • Teeth that appear much longer than before (receding gums)
  • Gums that bleed when brushing or flossing (this could be a sign of gingivitis, which can easily be reversed if caught early)
  • Gum pockets are forming, which can easily trap bacteria and food particles
  • Loose teeth, as this is often a sign that the bone is being attacked and beginning to weaken
  • Plaque and tartar accumulations around your teeth and gum line

Why is the Procedure Beneficial?

If you want to restore your gum health and feel better about your smile, you will find that scaling and root planing is an incredibly beneficial method of treatment. Here’s why:

  • It is a great way to minimize the potential for future reinfection
  • It ensures you keep your natural teeth longer and avoid unnecessary tooth replacement solutions
  • You have the opportunity to enjoy a healthier, more beautiful smile
  • It prevents your body’s immune system from further weakening, affecting your heart, brain, kidneys, liver, and other areas of your body

Aftercare Instructions

When returning home from your scaling and root planing procedure, there are a few things you’ll want to remember, such as:

  • If you received anesthesia/sedation, make sure you avoid eating or chewing until the effects wear off
  • For the first 48 hours, eat soft or liquid foods
  • Avoid smoking, using tobacco products, or drinking for at least 3 days
  • If you have pain medication, take it as instructed
  • Rinse your mouth with warm saltwater to minimize discomfort and swelling
  • Continue to perform your oral hygiene routine but be careful around your gum line and only use a soft-bristled toothbrush