Downtown Family Dentistry of Leesburg Blog

What to Do If Your Dental Bridge Falls Out

October 11, 2021

woman whose dental bridge fell out in Leesburg holding cheek

An estimated 120 million Americans are missing at least one tooth. Dental bridges are a popular, lifelike replacement option to restore one’s smile that use the surrounding teeth for support. Though they are highly durable, what should you do if your dental bridge falls out? Here’s how to handle this dental emergency and what to do until your dentist can see you.


Removing a Failed Dental Implant

September 15, 2021

Man with dental pain covering faceDental implants have revolutionized dentistry because they are the most reliable solution for tooth loss. They are unlike any other dental prosthetic because they replicate both the roots and crowns of lost teeth. With an average of a 95% 10-year success rate, over 500,000 people annually invest in their benefits. If you chose the advanced treatment, you probably never expected your new smile to fail. Although it is rare, complications can occur immediately after your implant placement surgery or several years down the road. No matter how long it has been since your procedure, removing a failed dental implant is never easy. Although it may seem like a setback, your dentist can fix the issue to restore a complete smile.


Can Gum Recontouring Help Receding Gums?

July 11, 2021

Dentist treating receding gums in LeesburgBesides the appearance of your teeth, your gum line is equally important for a beautiful smile. Unfortunately, if you’ve had gum disease or brush aggressively, your gums might have receded. You may believe gum grafting is the only solution to cover your exposed tooth roots, but there is another option. Gum recontouring can also treat receding gums in Leesburg. You can achieve a picture-perfect smile without scalpels or sutures.


Breaking 5 Common Dental Implant Myths

June 30, 2021

Breaking dental implant mythsIf you’ve lost a tooth or two, you have more options than ever to fill the spaces in your smile. As an alternative to traditional bridges and dentures, over 500,000 people annually are turning to dental implants to replace their missing teeth. Although they are all the rave, you’ve likely heard several rumors about the procedure, which might make you hesitate to call your dentist for a consultation. Don’t let misconceptions prevent you from enjoying the next best thing to your real teeth. Here are the facts you need about 5 common dental implant myths.


4 Reasons Why You Should Get Dental Implants for Dentures

May 28, 2021

 Illustration of dentures being placed on implants

Life with traditional dentures, while an improvement over life with missing teeth, can be inconvenient sometimes. While early discomfort is something you can adjust to, you may still have to periodically deal with the embarrassment of teeth that slip out of place when you’re trying to eat or speak. Getting dental implants for your dentures can make a significant difference; thanks to these artificial “roots”, your new teeth will start to feel a lot more like your original ones. Below are 4 major ways that implant dentures in Leesburg can improve your life.


How to Floss Around Your Dental Implants

April 22, 2021

young woman flossing dental implants

Have you had one or more of your missing teeth replaced with dental implants? If so, then chances are you already know the main reason why they’re better than traditional options – they can last a lifetime. However, this is only true if you take good care of your dental implants in Leesburg, which involves daily brushing and flossing. Since flossing dental implants can be tricky, we’ve included some handy tips below for making it easier!


What Makes Dental Implants So Successful?

March 12, 2021

Happy patient enjoying dental implant success in Leesburg

If you have been researching your tooth replacement options, you might have come across a statistic saying that dental implants have a success rate of over 95%. That is not an exaggeration; studies consistently find that this treatment yields predictably positive results. But what are the reasons behind the high rate of dental implant success in Leesburg? Let’s talk about three factors that make this treatment a reliable form of tooth replacement.


What Do Dental Implants Feel Like?

January 25, 2021

Woman with dental implants in Leesburg holding an apple.If you’ve lost all your natural teeth, you’ve likely tried a traditional full denture. Although you had high expectations, it probably has never quite felt natural. As an alternative, you could choose dental implants in Leesburg to support your denture, but will it really feel different? As with your traditional denture, it will take some time to get used to wearing your new smile; however, as your body heals, you’ll enjoy a nearly perfect replica of your real teeth. Here’s what you can expect your implant-retained denture to feel like compared to a conventional prosthetic.


Jaw Pain in Children: How to Tell if Your Little One Has TMD

December 23, 2020

Little girl in sweater thoughtfully rubbing her aching jaw

Have you seen your child rubbing their jaw more often recently? Do they keep complaining that their mouth hurts? They might have developed a TMD – temporomandibular joint disorder – that is causing their jaw to function improperly. If you don’t want your little one to grow up dealing with chronic or recurring pain, then you need to keep an eye out for warning signs of this common condition. Read on to learn more about children’s TMD and what you can do about it.


How TMJ Disorders Affect Women’s Health

December 17, 2020

Woman in white shirt with a TMJ disorder

Temporomandibular joints disorders – or TMJ disorders – can happen to anyone at any age, but if you’re a woman between the ages of 18 and 44, then you’re at more risk than others. For every one man with a TMJ disorder, there are 9 women suffering from the condition and the chronic pain it brings with it. If you’re still in your childbearing years, you’ll want to be extra aware of the risk factors for jaw problems. Read on to learn everything you’ll need to know to protect your TMJ and keep your smile as comfortable as possible.
