October 17, 2023

patient with gum disease getting a tooth extraction

A significant percentage of American adults aged 30 and above have received a diagnosis of gum disease. As symptoms advance, the idea of opting for a tooth extraction to address the issue might cross your mind. While extractions may become necessary in cases of advanced infection, there are crucial considerations to bear in mind beforehand. Explore further to understand when gum disease may warrant a tooth extraction and the importance of seeking early treatment.


October 2, 2023

person at dentist about to have tooth extracted

Following a tooth extraction, the desire to resume normal routines, including enjoying a cup of coffee, is understandable. However, it’s advisable to temporarily refrain from indulging in java to avoid potential risks to your oral health during the recovery period. This article delves into the reasons for postponing coffee consumption post-extraction, suggests an appropriate timeline for reintroducing it, and provides tips for expediting the recovery process.
